00. This site is a roleplay forum; it does not host a Log Horizon video game.
01. Be respectful to other users and don't be a drama queen. We're not your therapist, we're a C-Box.
02. Follow the
rules of the board.
03. Follow Proboards TOS. The site and chatbox is rated PG13.
04. Don't advertise. You can talk about other sites, even link them, but don't just be like, "HEY. JOIN MY FORUM!". That's why we have an ad section.
05. Don't bother staff to check your applications or claims. It'll be looked at shortly, and annoying a potential grader isn't going to fulfill your request any faster.
06. Got a question? Just ask it. Don't go "Is ___ here? I have a question." Don't wait for someone to notice you because by the time they do, you might not notice
them. Not to mention, other members can still try to point you to the right direction.
07. When talking about potential spoilers, please respect others in your conversation.
08. If using image tags, please refrain from embedding overly large images.
09. Foul, vulgar, derogatory or abusive language will not be tolerated.
10. Don't spam up the chat. If you have a lot to say, please keep it all in a few messages at a time.
11. Banned Topics in the CBox are those related to Politics and Religion, as they can cause the most trouble. Light chatter is fine. No debates
Repeat chatbox violations will result in bans of increasing length.
Game download. Not the game you're looking for? Sorry, we're just an RP forum.